For many tasks that you usually perform standing find a method of sitting to perform the same tasks. When doing food preparations for cooking at the kitchen counter, gather all your ingredients and utensils place on kitchen table where you may sit instead. If the counter is your only option, pull up a high chair or stool to save some energy. Standing in shower not only uses more energy than sitting positions it may increase risk for falls and therefore fractures an additional concern with osteoporosis. Sit and bathe using specially designed stools for tubs and stand up showers. Use a hand held shower head to get a shower effect. Many of these have massaging capabilities that come in handy for sore joints. Just think before you stand about whether you can sit to perform that same task


For household tasks that you do both upstairs and downstairs get duplicate or multiple tools, mops, brooms, buckets, dustpans, bottles or cans of disinfectant and cleaning products, boxes of trash bags, and other supplies for each level of your home so that you do not have to carry these items up and down stairs. Investment in a second vacuum cleaner maybe with less bells and whistles for the level or area with less traffic is absolutely worth the investment of your money to save the expense of lifting up the stairs or dragging across the house by your back. If you have two or more bathrooms, keep a complete set of cleaning supplies in each bathroom at your fingertips to use when the mood hits you. You will be surprised what you can accomplish while drawing your bath water when the cleansers are right under the cabinet rather than down the hall in a closet. BEWARE OF THESE TIPS IF YOUNG CHILDREN HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR HOME.


You can never have too many pairs of scissors distributed in a drawer in each and every room of the house. They are not just for sewing, convenient uses are unlimited. Scissors give feeble fingers POWER! Nevermore even risk straining joints to tear open even simple packaging such as a bag of frozen vegetables, the inner bag of a box of cereal, hosiery packaging, mail, etc. Grab your handy scissors to clip a neat triangle off one corner or cut straight across. Never again risk the contents of a seasoning packet exploding as you finally find the weak spot "tear here".


On an opposite note instead of distributing supplies for conservation and convenience; centralization of supplies for tasks often repeated that can always be done in one location is another strategy. For example convert baskets, bags, or boxes into storage to organize some sit down tasks such as coupon clipping, shopping lists, meal planning, recipes cards, and outstanding mail/bill sorting. Reserve a favorite spot and time to perform some simple duties. You may choose your recliner to prop up often swollen feet (conserving energy) in front of the TV during your favorite talk show. Get organized in an assortment of hat boxes that you can keep stacked next to your recliner that complement the room. Resting your body, entertaining your mind, while accomplishing some simple duties.You will find less dread toward household tasks once you have determined ways to conserve the physical and mental energy required to accomplish them.

ENERGY CONSERVATION: Rest Periods and Naps

Depending of the severity of your disease, whether you work outside the home, medications, and other issues such as young children will determine how much control you have over getting the doctor's recommended TWO naps or rest periods. Yes, that's at least two rest periods you need to work into your schedule even if you are in remission and working a full 8 hour day. In this case you may not have the opportunity to actually nap; however, most full time jobs allow for lunch plus an additional 15-20 minute break. Take 10 minutes of break time to find a comfortable, quiet spot to at least sit, breath slowly and deeply, keep eyes closed (prop up feet if possible) and relax as much as possible. If you cannot have a full nap when you get home either follow the same 10 minute protocol you used on job as a minimum. Demand family give you this undisturbed minimum each day you work. On days off demand two full-fledged undisturbed naps. If you have an open schedule make time for two full naps, allow your body to dictate the period whenever possible. All stay at home mothers of small children make your kids take naps or at least rest periods, too. Do not do anything other than rest or nap at the same time they do. Do whatever it takes even if it means you and the kids piling up together in one bed with a "nap time DVD" to calm them down. Just about every child has a favorite DVD or kiddie show that at least hypnotizes them to at least be glued to one spot in front of TV. DO NOT feel any guilt for any nonabusive tactics to get that rest period and hopefully a nap in If you going through flare or more severely impaired you may need complete bed rest.



Steroids in high doses can totally disturb sleep patterns causing many miserable nights of insomnia, along with round the clock nervousness and sometimes severe anxiety.. While suffering through these drugs never ignore any opportunities to try to rest and relax. If your body gives any signals for sleep immediately go to bed, before the feeling passes. Don't fear requesting a prescribed sleep aids. Do not feel "crazy" for accepting recommended anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants to counteract the relentless sometimes mood altering effect of this drug that has hijacked our hormonal metabolism.. Even without interference from steroids many lupus patients suffer from a lack of restorative sleep; that is they may sleep through the night and nap off and on all day, but never feel that they can achieve a deep sleep. A restorative sleep is a more technical term for the deep sleep that escapes them. A lack of restorative sleep despite seeming to "'sleep all the time" may account for the unexplainable chronic fatigue of lupus and fibromyalgia. Again sleep is very important to maintain even general health so do not ignore any sleep disturbances. Inform your doctor. There are many new safe sleep aids for insomnia, and medications that encourage deeper restorative sleep.

Some simple tips follow that may encourage better sleep:

  • hot baths

  • lavender aromatherapy through essential oils or candles

  • drink chamomile tea, warm milk

  • listen to soothing music, meditation or prayer

  • maintain journal or blog to empty brain of any racy thoughts

  • sleep on satin sheets in satin pajamas (satin decreases friction when turning arthritic bones)

  • sleep with cool room temperatures

  • create routine relaxing bedtime activity

  • avoid evening stimulation, vigorous activity or exercise, caffeine

PROVIGIL:Drug Treats Fatigue & Brain Fog


This medication which increases alertness has been prescribed for airline pilots to counteract jet lag. Many physicians suggest it to overcome some chronic fatigue, the 'drowsiness' side effects of many other prescriptions. There are some reports that provigil even helps with 'brain fog' (an issue that will dealt with in future updates.) This drug should be used prudently. It should not be used to override getting the rest your body really needs, but it is a great way to eradicate that "drag" and give you "the get up and go" to accomplish your day's goals. The drug is expensive and may require special authorization by some insurance companies.


Regular exercise especially weight-bearing can reduce occurance of bone fractures due to osteoporosis. Physical activity requiring muscles to pull on bones cause the bones to retain and, perhaps, even gain density. Unfortunately the severe fatigue and joint pain make it harder for lupus patients to stay active. Joint pain, severe hip and lower back pain, the risk of falling (fractures) are good reasons to avoid jogging. Safer weight-bearing exercises include walking or dancing. Women who walk a mile a day have four to seven more years of bone in reserve than women who don’t. Pool exercise is also effective and less stressful to joints. Many spas now offer a range of "Aquatics" or aqua therapy, therapeutic pool (heated) classes designed especially for participants with joint problems.Some of the recommended resistance exercises include use of free weights, weight machines, or simple rubber stretch bands. From the East tai chi and yoga increase balance and decrease stress. Good balance is a good prevention for falls. Stationary bicycles are good as long as they do not aggravate joints. Arm bikes may be use when knee joints are flared. These are just a few simple suggestions that can improve improve and prevent osteoporosis, as well as maintain the best general health to combat lupus.

The nutrients calcium, Vitamin D, and protein must be supplied and maintained adequately in order to supply the materials the body uses for bone formation, although alone they will not completely stop bone loss. Supplemental calcium should be taken as needed to achieve recommended daily calcium dietary intake. Current recommendations are for nonpregnant, menstruating women to consume 1000mg/day, pregnant women need 1200mg/day, and postmenopausal or nursing mothers should consume 1500 mg/day. Anyone taking corticosteroids should take 1500 mg/day. Since our bodies can only absorb a maximum of 600 mg at a time, dosage should be divided across the course of the day. Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption in the GI tract. In general 400-800 IU per day should be taken daily, but 800 IU daily is recommended for corticosteroid users.
Choose from a broad variety of supplements: calcium carbonate (Calci-Chew, Calci-Mix, OsCal, Caltrate), calcium citrate (Citracal), calcium gluconate, calcium lactate, calcium phosphate (Posture). New tasty chewable supplements (Vivactiv Soft Calcium Chews, Nature's Made Calburst) in appetizing flavors such as chocolate or caramel make taking supplements more enjoyable than the usual large hard to swallow tablet forms. Chewable antacids (Tums, Mallamint) also make some appealing flavors to choose from. They should not contain aluminum and beware of interactions with some prescription drugs. Most calcium supplements include the necessary requirements of Vitamin D as well. Many multivitamins do also. Blood and urine tests can inform your doctor if you are maintaining adequate amounts.

The optimum source of any nutrients come from a balanced diet of foods naturally high in needed nutrients. Foods rich in calcium include low-fat milk, yogurt, ice cream and cheese, tofu, salmon and sardines (with the bones), and leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and collard greens. When choosing calcium rich foods from dairy products be mindful of fat content,. Select from the available low fat and nonfat versions.

Avoid indulging in alcohol or tobacco which both block absorption of calcium and other important nutrients.


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